“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the
household of faith." Galatians 6v10


The care ministry exists to provide love and support to people within our congregation who are struggling with life’s most difficult challenges. At one time or another we all need the help of others to see our way through a difficult time. Whether your struggle is physical, emotional, relational, or financial we are here for you and want to help in whatever way we can.



Access our online form HERE.

All GCN information is confidential.


Our Grace Care Network hotline is available at - (219) 690-8855


If you talk with a staff member they’ll provide your information to a GCN Leader (if you ask them to) and you’ll hear from a GCN Leader within 24 hours.


  • Find Support Through Prayer

    Whether you are struggling or celebrating, our prayer team and staff are ready to pray for your requests.

  • If you or a family member is homebound, sick or in the hospital we have a team of trained volunteers that would love to visit and pray with you.

  • The GCN can facilitate meals, simple home repairs, lawn care, rides, car assistance, etc.

  • Short-Term Assistance for Difficult Times

    We offer financial assistance to people in need who meet the eligibility of our Financial Assistance Program.

  • Individuals may be experiencing an overwhelming life season (grief, divorce, major life change) and could benefit from a private care meeting to offer Biblical guidance, processing their season, or individual prayer. 

  • The GCN will offer prayer and support during your time of sorrow.


  • Care Team Ministry members of our church body are trained and equipped to walk alongside individuals going through big life challenges like grief, divorce, a medical crisis, job loss, and more. Our Care Team Ministers will offer care, support, and encouragement, connecting hurting people with Christ’s healing love during some of the hardest times in their lives. When the occasion allows Care Team Members will offer practical, hands-on support such as meals, cards, and the ministry of presence.

  • Fill out our confidential form or call/text our hotline at: (219) 690-8855 and our Care Team Leader will reach out to you within 24 hours to talk about how our GCN can best meet your needs.

  • Being a Care Team Minister is not meant to replace Pastoral Care or offer professional counseling. Care Team Ministers are trained to listen to, care for, and walk with those going through difficult times in life.

  • All of the Grace Care Network services are offered free of charge as a ministry of Grace Church.

  • Absolutely! As all of our services are voluntary a GCN Leader will reach out to the person you've recommended within 24 hours to see how we can best meet their needs.

We can’t do life alone. We weren’t made to be a one person show, instead, we were designed to be in community with one another. People matter and everyone needs people that are with them and for them.